I read a post in Philly BLOG in which someone said they never knew or heard of the Moyamensing Prison!! WOW How could someone not know about something that was only torn down in 1968…. Isn’t it great to know that there is fresh blood in South Philly, that does not call things by bygone names. Like I still refer to Bond Bread at 10th and Reed–Bond Bread -like the company folded in the early 70’s and their bakery at 10th and Reed closed in the 60’s, to be replaced with an Acme then a Pep Boys and now a CVS and Dunkin Donuts ( thanks for reminding me Natalie) … Well at least that’s what was there in 2002- with the uppification of the neighborhood who knows? Maybe now it is a Sushi Bar and Yoga center.. Off the topic again sorry.Just to make an historical point - the swatch of land between Passyunk, Dickinson, Reed, Gerritt, 11th and 12th street was from 183 omething to 1968 the site of the Moyamensing Prison. The Prison it was and damn well will always be for me. They can raise a freaking pyramid there and I will call it the prison Pyramid.
For a good history and pictures check out http://fantes.com/passyunkdevcor/moyamensing.htm
It was build as part of a prison reform movement in Philadelphia in the early 19th century. It was large, made of stone, airy and had things like solitary cells etc.. That was reform 1830 style. It was called the Moyamensing after Passyunk’s sister creek- the Moyamensing ( where Moyamensing Ave is now.) Why did they not call it the Passyunk prison I do not know. Maybe Moyamensing sounds like a better name for a prison. The prison was part of a few built by the city with I believe Eastern State Penitentiary at 22nd and Fairmont as the only surviving example of this style prison, if you are into 19th century American prison architecture. The architect was Thomas Walter and this was his best work. The best part of it was the Debtor’s prison with its Egyptian Revival façade that was on Passyunk closer to Reed street.
This section turned out to only be used for women as mercifully Philadelphia changed its debtor laws by the time construction was finished. But like we do in SP we call it by its original name FOREVER- even if the debtors prison was only use for women we will always call it the debtors prison, never the Women’s prison .. like I will always call it Bond Bread or the Prison Acme.. Get the point- we don’t accept change.
You may be able to tell from this photo that the Prison was an architectural masterpiece. The Debtors' Prison wing façade was salvaged by the Smithsonian and is now in DC. Can you image a little bit of Passyunk avenue in Washington. I believe a similar façade still exist on Walnut street round fifth , with an office block behind, was this the same architect?. It was modeled after the Temple of Amenophis III, along the Nile. Isn’t that too much …a temple on Passyunk Avenue., meant to hold people who did not pay their bills on time.. a temple to Amenophis III .. Oh Pharaoh of the two lands- son of Amun, Priest of Thorth , brother of Orsirus .. accept this cheese steak as an offering for success in the numbers.
When the prison was build in the 1830’s , this was about the city limits to the south , with only a few houses nearby and farms further off- farms in South Philly… But the neighborhood grew and developed around the prison. By the Civil War the area had a few work shops and factories (including an armament factory that had a tremendous explosion in 1863 or 64 and showered body parts along Passyunk Ave) , by the 1890’s the prison was now surrounded by a solid and built up working class Catholic neighborhood.
It was at this time that the Moyamensing prison held its most infamous inmate. His was America’s first known serial killer , H.H. Holmes, who killed maybe 200 people, many in Chicago. He was arrested while in Philadelphia and his terrible trail of murder and mayhem was revealed within the walls of the prison. His crimes shocked and fascinated America and I guess he was our first Pop Culture criminal. He was hung in the prison in the 1890’s and if you are interested I suggest you read Erik Larson’s Devil in the While City, it even has a chapter entailed The Moyamensing prison.
The neighborhood by 1930 ( now predominantly Italian) was just too crowded , making it an unwise location for a prison. The prison ceased to hold violent criminals in the 30’s or 40’s as it would pose too big a threat to the neighborhood- and too easy an escape opportunity for the inmates. .But I would guess the neighborhood had even more violent criminals then were held in the prison.
By 1964 when it closed , I think it only housed people with parking offences. The least execution was in the 20’s?? The prison closed in 64 and in 1968 after years of discussion as to what to do, Philadelphia decided to just knock it down and destroy this massive structure and let it sit as an open eyesore for about 10 years. Today we would have turned it into luxury condos… the Cells at Passyunk…or Prison House.
I don’t know what the city’s motivation was – perhaps keeping a massive empty building invited all kinds of problems from squatters to Satanic masses.
I don’t know what it did to the property values of the homes adjoining it? My grandparents lived at 1107 Garrett and my dad always spoke fondly of the old Prison like he was living next to an amusement park. Great stories like the New Year’s Eve when some Gangster friend of my Grandparent’s came over and shot out the lights on the high wall. But I really have a problem believing this story as the Braccias (my family) are very squeamish around guns and such people what carry them- despite any bravado. My Uncle Joe for years spoke of his gun, but I never saw it, I wonder if he even realized it would need bullets. The Braccias did not need guns, they had sharp scissors (family of tailors) and even sharper tongues.
As a kid I was really impressed by the massive fortification and its wall. My Grandmother Mama would walk around the wall – that was a real exciting passigiata for her. Her main point of interest was a large stone shaped like a shoe. She would often stop and point it out to me, no not often, ALWAYS, apparently it was a ritual she enjoyed with my Grandfather Francesco. Forget the Medieval turrets and Egyptian Revival- lets look at the stone that looks like a shoe. There’s the old irony again….
My father would often point out the parts of the building that fascinated him and then tell me to be good because this is where bad people end up. Of course after telling me what a great wonderful building it was – the argument lost some of its logic. But I got the point.
I have a theory that many of the people who grow up directly behind the prison –on Gerritt street- did not turn to crime because the prison provided for them a sort of subconscious reminder of the wages of sin. Now I can’t prove that, but that’s what I think.
In 1968 after Mayor Tate let go the wrecking ball and knocked a hole in the great wall- they let it stay open for a day or 2 and allowed the neighbors to come in and take a loot.... I mean look. I have to tell you I was fascinated by my one time inside the prison. I can still remember the rows of cells, the infirmary, the inner court. Now my grandmother Mama was very friendly with a guard at the prison and he would let her in all the time. That’s what my uncles would tell me- as if this was some kind of badge of honor to be allowed to sneak into a decrepit prison. I am sure for 2 bucks and a cappiccola sandwich any body could have been brought into the inner sanctum and see where H H Homes was hung.
All that is left today are two things- the mind block that still makes some of us call the space the prison , and a wee bit of the wall which has been preserved along Reed street and 12th- coming up , I believe , but two and a half feet. The space is now well used commercially ( even has a Starbucks) and with the senior citizens center provides a good hub for the community, but you know with the prison shortage in American.. we could sure use the Moyamensing prison again….
Hello again Frank. Yes, I remembered that you went to Annunciation with my sister, Cheryl. I'll have to tell her about this coincidence. Aunt Nina was happy to reminisce reading your blog! The connections between Roberta Ficarra and I are another epic all-together, making for an uncanny couple of days. I really enjoy the stories, so I'll be a regular on your site. Also, just to let you know -- Pep Boys has been replaced by a very busy, 24-hour CVS where the old "Ac-a-me" stood. And I have very vivid memories of riding my bike past the "prison."
Dear Natalie,
Thanks and Hi to all the family.. You know I do remember that the old Bond Bread is now a CVS and has been once sine the late 90’s. You see cause I don’t live in Philly and have not been there since 2002 , I tend to remember it as a snapshot circa 1990.. Interesting you know Roberta, she was my best best friend when I was a kid. There were few kids on my block of Dickinson and Roberta was the only one and happily she came over almost every weekend. There was another little girl named Cindy who live next door for a few years in the apartments at 1012 then left. Had my father stayed on Gerritt street at least I would have had kids to play with. Are you still in SP?
Hi Frank,
I remeber the prision so clearly! I loved it, I thought it was the coolest thing ever! My grandmother had great prision stories, of how when she was a kid, on hot nights, they would sleep out front(imagine) and they would listen to the inmates yelling in the dark. She also told a story of one hot summer day, when the doors were open, an escapee ran right threw her house and over the back fence and the guards followed. I also remember the tour of the prision, and the day it was knocked down. She had a million stories, I wish i had written them down. I found some great old pictures for you, I am going to scan them and e-mail them to you. You will really like them. Also, remeber the Cappio's and the Masatendas,(i'm sure you do)I can remember sitting at the kitchen table with my grandmother, your mom, Aunt Sim(Clara),Rosie Cappio and Mary Masatenda. I can still see their faces. I loved being there, I think I thought they were MY friends. Your blog has sparked so many wonderful memories!!!!
I followed the link to Fantes and enjoyed reading about the prison.
There's more about the Passmore Williamson case (he was held for contempt of court for not revealing the whereabouts of some fugitive slaves whose whereabouts he didn't know!) at
Gearest Cugino,
I have told this story to you I know. But I have such memeories of playing in the prison parking lot , which when I think about it was not all that big for what an imposing structure it really was.
My fathers twin sister , had a house at 12th and Dickinson, and I lived at 6th and Titan Streets.
This house was the center of our family for many many years , it was one of those places that when ever you think of people who are long dead, or events that took place , always seemed to be in that house.
I was an only child , not that I ever knew what that meant , as I had so many cousins, you amongst them , that I was hardley ever ..alone. One cousin who was a year older than me , Dennis, my fathers twin sister's son, was the brother that I did not have , so we were always together.Well in order for us to connect so that we could run wild in the streets of Philadelphia, one of us had to travel the distance of these blocks between our houses, 2 miles if that. The end of this journey brought us together so we could play all the street games children did in those days. And what made this more fun for both of us was the fact that we had two sets of friends . The kids from my neighborhood and those from his.
After a long day of Hide n Seek or stick ball, or chink, we would head home to one of our houses together , now depending on which friends we choose that day , it usually meant crossing into the prison parking lot as a shortcut.
We did this often enough as to have that facade burnt into my memory and how impossing and majestic it was. Because I was always looking up hoping to see"the prisoners" I had heard so much about . One day as we walked through , close to the date when this castle would be closing to reform forever, we heard shouts from above. We stopped in our tracks and there in a window behind wrought iron bars was a man looking down at us. We stood transfixed "my god a prisoner"we said. "Listen" we shouted to each other , "he's talking to us".Indeed he was, shouting something we could not make out, but he began throwing rocks down at us , and we started running , running and laughing ducking the pieces of stones which made up his window sill we supposed. That was the last time I ever crossed into the prison lot to use it as a shortcut. Soon after they moved all the prisoners, and soon after that it came tumbling down to make way for the brand new Acme, CVS, and bank. I don't go back there much anymore , the house at 12th and Dickinson has long ago stopped pumping out its memories for us. But the times I am in the vicinity, as I pass by that supermarket, I catch a glimpse of a formidable stone structure surrounded by a high black iron fence. But its just my mind playing tricks on me , and taking no chances I hurry past .
I remember my aunt Rosie who lived behind Moyemensing prison and there was a man who escaped and ran through her house on Garret St.
I remember lots of neat memories of living in Philly. I don't live there anymore but I think its a great city.
I'm fairly new to the neighborhood (about a year now) and I've been shopping at that Acme since I moved in. How interesting to learn the history of the space - and how tragic to have lost such a beautiful (if somewhat nefarious) structure!!
Hi Frank ran across your blog and absolutely love it. Question...From your comments I believe I am a lot older than you are. For the record-Was your father Frank and your uncle Romeo. If so we were good friends and I played ball with both of them. About the prison, remember I am talking about the late 40's. We always referred to the prison walls where we would attempt to sneak a smoke after school. James Wilson of course. Thank you again for an evening of rememberance...Angelo
Indeed Angelo you were a friend of my Dad and Uncle. So long ago...Thanks
I was born and rasied at 11th &wharton.what i remember most was going swiming at Reedies old bath house. it was a concrete hole built long ago and now gone on 12th &Reed. it had an open roof. we had boys day and girls day. no co-ed.so much clorine your eyes would burn for a week.after swiming we would go over to Columbus SQ. and play on the giant slide. and watch the old guys play bocchi smoking there stogies. loved those days.
Thank you so much for this grand story. I document gravestones in cemeteries on Cape Cod and in going through some for Seaside cemetery found a stone for the Hammond family with parents and a son listed.Only years were on the stone so I decided to investigate and see if I could find birth and death dates.I went to Familysearch.org and typed in Arthur Hammond death year 1907. I expected an entry for Massachusetts death from pneumonia or something. I was bowled over when I read that he hung himself-suicide in County prison 10th & Reed streets. Compound this with me having just finished reading an article about children committing suicide- I had to know more. Dig a little deeper and the news item for his death states:
Date: Thursday, June 6, 1907
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Paper: Philadelphia Inquirer
Hanged himself in Cell
Preferring death to continued imprisonment ,Arthur T Hammond,a young man under arrest for highway robbery, committed suicide in Moyamensing Prison-early yesterday morning by hanging himself in his cell.Hammond was to have been tried yesterday and realizing that he would be convicted and sentenced to probably a long term he decided to kill himself.
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My great-great-grandfather, William McCoy, carved his name on one of the stones that made up the back wall. As a kid my grandmother would take me around to see the inscription: Wm. McCoy 1841. We both wondered how he had gotten away with it. I only wish I'd been around when the wall was demolished.
My Great Great grandfather in late 1868 to the mid 1887 was "Prison Keeper" of Moyamensing Prison. I remember my father when we drove past the prison in the early 1060's and I was a child. He would say His great grandfather was the hang man there as well. Interesting. He would tell us a lot.........I remember when it was in ruins and I was then a young teenager. I loved the architecture. Wish it was still there now.
I remember going in the prison as a kid, the structure was not secured . I recall vaguely looking around in one of the empty cells.
A great great grandfather was a warden at Moyamensing prison last name Mirkil.
I grew up at 10th and Reed Streets during the late 40's, 50's and 60's
I clearly remember the prison and Bond Bread. We weren't allowed to walk along the Reed Street wall, because prisoners would jump over the wall (15 feet, I think) and hide in the neighborhood.
One day walking home from the Annunciation BVM school, my buddies and I noticed a discarded mattress on the pavement just outside the exercise yard wall. It remained there for a couple of days in plain sight. A couple of days later, we heard that a prisoner jumped over the wall and landed on the mattress. The mattress was then removed by the city. That's how it was.
My friend and I broke into the Bond Bread factory when they left a large rolling steel door open during lunch break. Two workers caught us and pushed us into the flour pile (about 10 foot high)and kicked us in our rears and told us not to ever come back or they would stick us in a batch of bread. Needless to say, I had a tough time explaining to my mother why I was all covered with flour. That's how it was. Good ole days.
Follow-up to Prison and Bond Bread
If you look at the last remaining 2 foot high section of prison wall around the turn on Reed Street, you can see 1 to 2 inch holes in the stone blocks. This is from Machine Gun bullets. The guards use to practice shooting in the early days of the prison.
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